12 Ways to Fight the Coronavirus
12 Ways to Fight the Coronavirus
Are you afraid? Has this COVID-19 pandemic become real enough to you, your family, and/or your friends yet?
If not, we are very, very sorry to see your complete and utter lack of knowledge and understanding. (For everyone's sake, we hope you are offended.)
If you have come to accept our current reality and this Coronavirus war we are fighting, we are almost certain you are already doing all, and possibly more than the suggestions we have put together below. If not, we hope anything new we provide helps.
Remember, while there is very little proven information out there on what helps, works, or doesn't, common sense dictates these directives and suggestions can, at the very least, increase our chances and lessen our risk. Good enough reasons to implement each and every one of these 12 recommended ways to fight the Coronavirus.
What is COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19)
In China, late 2019, a new virus called the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified. The disease is called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Fast-forward, just mere months and in March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Needless to say, the world is in one hell of a fight right now, a fight we must all be taking on together.
How to Fight the Coronavirus
- Stay Informed...if there was ever a time where you should be cautious as to where you get your information, this might be it. Choose your sources carefully when it comes to fighting the coronavirus. PLEASE, do not rely on questionable content when it comes to your knowledge or updates. Focus on info coming directly from the CDC, FEMA, the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, etc
Practice Social Distancing...keep your distance and do not gather in crowds, for any reason. The recommendation is 6-feet. It is now more important than ever to respect the personal space of others.
- Wash Your Hands...do it often, do it well. (See image, courtesy of WebMd.com)
- Avoid Your Face...while it is not usually something we pay close attention to, we touch our faces more than one might probably imagine. It is very important, during this time of crisis that you work hard to minimize this habit as it is commonly accepted, to this point, the transfer from hands to face is responsible for much of the COVID-19 transmittal.
- Keep Surfaces Clean...wear gloves and clean dirty surfaces with detergent or soap prior to disinfecting. The most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective. A list of products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 is available here.
- Eat Healthy...while there is no specific research on foods that help fight the coronavirus, it goes without saying, maintaining a healthy diet will help boost your immune system, giving you an edge at the very least. Ample proteins, green leafy veggies (Beta-carotene, B-Vitamins, Vitamin-E), bell peppers (Vitamin C), broccoli (Vitamin C), chickpeas (proteins & amino acids), spinach (Vitamin C & antioxidants), mushrooms (Vitamin D), fruits such as oranges (Vitamin C), lemons (Vitamin C), tomatoes (Vitamin C), strawberries (Vitamin C), as well as, yogurt (probiotics) and sunflower seeds (Vitamin E), are all good choices for optimal wellness.
- Supplement Well...under normal circumstances we know it is, in fact, impossible to get all of our nutritional needs met through food alone. During these extreme times, supplementation may very well be it's very own protective layer of sorts. (See more below.)
- Get Adequate Sleep...it has been proven, a lack of sleep may profoundly inhibit your immune system. Do your very best to get proper amounts of good sleep to keep your body's natural defenses working at optimum efficiency.
- Stay Hydrated...increasing your water intake will help you stay healthy and lessen the chance of you coming down with most illnesses. Additionally, there is some evidence that inhaling steam may reduce the spread of viruses in your upper respiratory tract. (Almost certainly can't hurt.)
- Exercise Regularly...not only can regular exercise lower stress, but research indicates that exercise can stimulate the immune system and promote healthy sleep. In a study reported in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, scientists found that modest exercise may prevent the elderly from colds and cases of flu.
- Pay Attention...if you do fall ill, at any level, take it easy. In other words, REST! Spending excessive energy steals valuable resources from the immune system and might affect recovery.
- Stay Home...it goes without saying, none of us wanted to see such drastic measures put into place, but, common sense, and science, say that our ability to follow these stay-at-home orders can, and likely will, produce the outcome we all desire less ill, less deceased, a shorter COVID-19 lifespan. PLEASE do yourself, your family, and society a favor, JUST STAY HOME!
Supplements & Vitamins to Fight the Coronavirus
There is no question that certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs can help strengthen the immune system.
While we believe that good nutrition always begins with your whole-food diet, it impossible for any of us to meet our needs through diet alone. Therefore, supplementation, while meant to be a supplement to your daily diet, is almost certainly a requirement for a true total wellness approach, possibly NOW MORE THAN EVER.
Here are some easy to add supplement suggestion...
Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene)...supports immune system and organ function, a powerful antioxidant.
B-Vitamins...vital to overall health and well-being, promote the production and activity of natural killer cells to create cell death of an infected cell.
Vitamins C & E...powerful antioxidants that help the body fight infection.
Vitamin D3...helps facilitate normal immune system function and combats depression. (Another real dilemma many will face during these times.)
Iron...helps carry oxygen to the blood, kill pathogens and regulates enzyme reactions essential for immune cells to target pathogens.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)...helps to replenish the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione, and battle chronic respiratory conditions.
Selenium...slows down viral replication and mutations.
Probiotics...promotes overall health and wellness, as well as, enhances immunity
Zinc...helps to control inflammation and assist in combating oxidative damage from viral attacks.
Staying Smart & Strong During this COVID-19 Fight
Again, while we hope our suggestions prove useful, it is way too early in this battle, for us, or anyone else, to make claims about what WILL or WILL NOT work. Only science, and time, unfortunately, will tell!
Stay smart, stay strong, STAY HEALTHY, and as always, be sure to consult your physician before making any dietary or fitness-related changes.
Always Remember...
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Until next time...PROGRESS, not PERFECTION!
Don't forget, always consult your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.
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