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We want to do what we can to help take care of those who take care of us!

We live in a World, where now, maybe more than ever before, we must appreciate one another and do all we can to say thanks to those who go above and beyond the normal call of duty. For this very reason, we are providing a standing 10% DISCOUNT for all…

First Responders, Military Personnel…and Teachers!

Each and every one of you hold a special place in our hearts for a variety of reasons and although this cannot possibly say THANK YOU loudly enough…we hope it is, at the very least, a good start.

You are the foundation through which our Country succeeds! You are the epitome of selflessness! We appreciate all you do and the effort you put into keeping us safe and smart.

For more information on our discounts, please contact us prior to placing your order.

110% Money-Back Guarantee Your satisfaction is our top priority!