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What, Why, and How to Use Vitamin D

What, Why, and How to Use Vitamin D

Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the world? In fact, up to 42% of the U.S. population has Vitamin D levels lower than what is recommended.

Yes, you read that right! Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, Americans were missing the boat when it came to their Vitamin D needs. So, if there is any truth to the news that Vitamin D can minimize the potential of either getting Covid or the effects of Covid, there might never be a better time to make sure you are getting enough.

How about we take just a few minutes to look at the benefits of Vitamin D, the issues that arise when not meeting your needs and how you can boost the intake.

Vitamin D to the rescue!

What is Vitamin D

Another question for you...

Did you know that Vitamin D is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin because your body can actually produce it as a response to sunlight? If not, don't worry, you are not alone.

While the amazing feat of nature is great, the truth is, nobody can get their Vitamin D needs met through the sun alone. Attempting to do so would ultimately lead to other health-related issues, most notably would be possible skin cancer concerns.

This is where Vitamin D-rich foods and nutritional supplements come into play.

While Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin made up of D-1, D-2, and D-3, it is actually not exactly a vitamin at all.

Instead, it is a precursor of a hormone, AKA a pro-hormone.

Vitamins are nutrients that cannot be naturally produced in the body, which is why it is essential that you include them in your diet. Vitamin D though, as noted above, can actually be produced by the body.

Don't going to get sucked into the weeds there. Just know that while yes, your body can actually produce Vitamin D with sun exposure, there is little chance you will get what you need. Onward now!

Why Would You Use a Vitamin D Supplement

There is no question low levels of Vitamin D can have a number of adverse effects on the body! As you will quickly see, the benefits of supplementing with Vitamin D on a daily basis far outweigh the small cost.

Here are some of the benefits we think you might be interested in knowing about

Vitamin D Builds and Strengthens Bones

Most people do not know this but Vitamin D is actually required in order for the body to absorb calcium. Since calcium is required for bone growth, it goes without saying, there is a very direct correlation to the growth and strength of ones bones to their Vitamin D levels. (Remember as kids, drink your milk for strong bones?)

Vitamin D Fights Disease

According to a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association, Vitamin D may assist in reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis. The study was a nested case-control survey on seven million personnel from the US Army. Multiple sclerosis cases were identified using the Force databases and 25-hydroxy Vitamin D was given to those identified. Researchers noted that the risk of multiple sclerosis decreased as the dosage of Vitamin D was increased.

Some 2008 findings also noted that Vitamin D has the potential to reduce your chances of developing heart disease.

Cross sectional studies noted that there was a correlation between a lack of vitamin D and increased risk of heart diseases such as heart failure, hypertension, and ischemic heart disease. Scientists went on to say that Vitamin D deficiency increased the chances of developing sudden cardiac death (if you are already suffering from cardiovascular disease) and incident hypertension.

How Vitamin D can improve cardiovascular disease is obscure at this point and they have only vague suspicions but the positive effects of Vitamin D on the health of your heart cannot be denied.

Additional studies in 2010 showed that Vitamin D can reduce the likelihood of developing the flu. Published on the American Journal of Clinical Studies, the study goes on to say that it can be especially effective among school-age children.

Vitamin D Reduces Depression

Research has indicated that Vitamin D can solve one of the biggest issues surrounding today's generation; depression.

In one study, researchers discovered that those dealing with depression showed an improvement in their symptoms when they were given a higher intake of Vitamin D.

In another instance regarding a study of those suffering from fibromyalgia, scientists discovered that a lack of Vitamin D was more common among people who experienced depression and anxiety.

Feel better, be stronger? Good reasons so far, no?

Vitamin D Aids Weight Management

If you are looking to lose or maintain weight, you might consider making sure your Vitamin D levels are adequate.

In this study in 2008, people were given calcium and Vitamin D daily. These subjects lost more weight than the subjects on the placebo. Scientists speculate that this is because the additional calcium and Vitamin D helped to suppress the appetite.

Another study on overweight people indicated that those who included Vitamin D supplements to their daily diet improved heart disease risk markers.

How Should You Use Vitamin D

As is probably evident from the above, Vitamin D is important. Quite important actually. For this reason, we suggest a straight-forward Vitamin D supplement that can be taken on a daily basis to meet your minimum needs.

The US Institute of Medicine recommends an average intake of between 10-20 micrograms or 400-800 IU. While this should be enough for most people, an individual's race, age, sunlight exposure, geographical location and season can all play a role in specific needs. As always consult your physician when it comes to your personal diet, exercise and supplementation recommendations.

3D Labs Nutrition to the Rescue

At 3D Labs Nutrition, we have chosen to be a bit more inclusive on our Vitamin D supplement.

In an effort to enhance the benefits of supplemental Vitamin D, our blend not only includes Vitamin D3, but calcium and Vitamin K2 as well.

Vitamin K2, typically found in animal and fermented foods, plays a vital role in calcium reduction, as well as, bone and heart health.

Since calcium build-up in the arteries around your heart is a huge risk factor for heart disease, anything that can potentially reduce said calcium build-up should be welcome addition.

We are quite confident that Vitamin D3&K2 will make a very nice, hugely beneficial addition to almost anyone's supplement regiment.

Always Remember...

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Until next time...PROGRESS, not PERFECTION!

Don't forget, always consult your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.

Live a 3D Life...Decisions Determine Destinations!

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  • Great Info!

    M. Gonzalez on

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