The One Thing Necessary to Achieve a Goal
The One Thing Necessary to Achieve a Goal
Have no fear, this is not going to be some long-winded article about all the deep, mind-numbing brainstorming and emotional things you need to do in order to achieve a goal, any goal.
Nope. Not even close!
In fact, we are going the completely opposite route.
We are cutting out all the BS and we are just going to level with you, in the most direct way we know how.
Ready? Truly have a goal you want to achieve and need to know what the ONE THINGyou must do in order to succeed is?
How to Achieve a Goal
Pay attention it goes!
Boom! Mind-blowing isn't it?
A truly unexpected revelation of MASSIVE PROPORTIONS right?
Not likely. Honestly, if you were expecting some latest, greatest magic plan, pill or potion, we aren't even sorry if we let you down.
Here's why...
The Cold, Hard Truth About Achieving Goals
All the GOALS in the world are IRRELEVANT if the tasks NECESSARY to reach them DON'T get done. - JJH
Whether you want to hear it or not, your success in achieving almost any goal you have in mind comes down to one thing...YOUR EFFORT!
We don't put pen to paper (so to speak) in order to sugarcoat things for you and your fellow followers.
We believe wholeheartedly in presenting facts and the cold, hard truth, in all we say and write.
If we truly have any desire at all to help you live a DECIDED LIFE, we know we must, at all times, not tell you what you might want to hear, but instead, say what NEEDS TO BE SAID.
So, when it comes to achieving goals, the single most important thing you will need to do, day in, day out, is TAKE ACTION.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it...
- Without action...NO CHANGE OCCURS.
- In short, without action...ONLY FAILURE IS POSSIBLE.
No matter what the goal, a fitness goal, a health goal, an educational goal, a business or work goal, a lifestyle goal, a travel goal, etc, if you do not take action, MAKE MOVES, you are merely hoping to get lucky.
We can probably all agree, that is not the best way to get where you want to go. Ever!
The Steps Needed to Achieve a Goal
We are going to make this simple. Really simple, in fact.
Just three steps...
- Decide what your GOAL is!
- Decide what ONE THING you can do right now to move the ball closer to that goal!
It really doesn't ever need to be any more difficult than this.
Give yourself a fighting chance for crying out loud.
One little thing, done RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, can be all you need to create MOMENTUM and help you get where you want to go.
Far too many overwhelm themselves thinking about ALL that needs to be done in order to achieve a goal.
Instead, focus ONLY that which can, or must be done NEXT!
When your focus remains on the very next ONE THING you can do to make progress, day in, day out, you will be amazed at how much further along you can, and will be, in days and weeks.
Winning any race requires that FIRST STEP be taken, no?
It also requires the very NEXT STEP to be taken too, right?
The finish line is not even a remote possibility without the first step, the next step, and the last step is it?
So ask yourself right now, what next step can I take, at this moment, to get me closer to where I want to be.
As soon as you have an idea as to what that one thing is, that next task...DO IT!
No hesitation, no pause, no additional thought! ACT!
Do this again, and again, day after day, one bite, one decision, one step, one task at a time...ANYTHING becomes possible.
A Plan to Succeed
As we promised, from the outset, to always be brutally honest, it is important we discuss the BIG PICTURE for just a moment as well.
You do not need to know, at this time, EVERY SINGLE STEP that needs to be taken to achieve your goal, to reach your destination. However, at some point, it will make a lot of sense to sit down and map out the things that must be done.
In fact, this could, and should, be one of your next steps once your momentum has begun to roll.
Be warned, however, if you attempt this process too early, you will get overwhelmed, maybe even disheartened.
Some of you will almost certainly suffer from ANALYSIS PARALYSIS!
No! Exactly opposite of what we want and you need.
So, instead of worrying about this list too soon, let's just tackle our ONE THING, each day, for at least the next few days in order to get started.
A friendly suggestion though...START A GOAL NOTE now!
This, in fact, could be your VERY FIRST STEP...
- Open up your favorite notes app on your phone.
- Start a new note specifically for the goal in question.
- Title it accordingly.
- Begin a checklist with Create Goal Note as the very first task.
- Add to this list every time another step to be taken crosses your mind.
You will be amazed, once you start this simple process, how often you begin to think about and focus on your goal.
Guess what? What you think about, what you find yourself focusing on the most, will determine what you do and how you feel.
After all, this is really what you want to achieve. You want to be so locked-in to your goal that it is the very FIRST THING you think about when you wake in the morning and the very LAST THING you think about before you sleep at night.
When this becomes your normal, your success is all but long as you keep taking that VERY NEXT STEP.
Enough talk. Let's get to it! The race is about to begin. Your next step awaits. No good luck from us. Instead...GET IT DONE!
Always Remember...
We would love to hear your thoughts on this, or any other article we write, so please, drop us your comments, ideas, input, and suggestions in the comments below.
And, by all means, if you think anyone in your world might like something we write, use the share buttons below to help us spread the word!
Until next time...PROGRESS, not PERFECTION!
Don't forget, always consult your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.
Live a 3D Life...Decisions Determine Destinations!
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